WIP Renewable Energies
Germany WIP Renewable Energies has been active in the clean energy and environment sectors for over three decades, providing a range of technical expert and non-technical services to both industrial and public sector clients at the international level. In the field of bioenergy WIP is involved in several projects which have the overall aim to support the development of the European bioenergy sector through the stimulation of new biofuel markets. WIP offers project development, project management, technical supervision and realisation of both large- and small-scale projects, which involve the co-ordination of international consortia.
Contact: Dipl.-Ing. Dominik Rutz M.Sc. Dr. Rainer Janssen Tel. +49 89 720 12 739 (-743) Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Web: www.wip-munich.de

Imperial College London
United Kingdom The research focus of Imperial College’s Faculty of Life Sciences, Centre for Environmental Policy, UK, is on techno-economic, environmental and policy issues related to biomass energy systems applied to the heat, electricity and transport sectors. The group is composed of an inter-disciplinary team of experienced researchers. Work is carried out for a range of governmental research councils, governmental and international organisations, nongovernmental organisations and industry. Group members have published extensively in the area, and participate in national and international expert committees
Contact: Dr. Rocio Diaz Tel: +44 20 7594 9338 Tel: +44 78 173 63656 E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Web: http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/environmentalpolicy
Utrecht University - Copernicus Institute
The Netherlands The Copernicus Institute for Sustainable Development and Innovation aims to support the search for sustainable development and innovation through the development of knowledge, methods and instruments. The Copernicus Institute houses a wide range of disciplines, with researchers from the natural and social sciences. The institute houses some 100 research staff and has a strong track record in relation to bioenergy research and advice. The department Science, Technology & Society (STS) is one of the four departments that form a part of the Copernicus Institute. STS is a department of the Faculty of Chemistry of the Utrecht University and employs about 45 people. The research activities include, amongst others, the following main fields: Energy System Analysis, Energy Efficiency, Biomass Energy, and Land Use and Biodiversity.
Contact: Prof. Andre Faaij Tel: +31-30-2537688/00, Fax: +31-30-2537601 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Web: http://www.uu.nl
BTG Biomass Technology Group BV
The Netherlands BTG Biomass Technology Group BV (BTG) is an independent, private firm which for the past 25 years has specialised in the process of conversion of biomass into biofuels and bio-energy. BTG's two business units, Consultancy and RTD, work in synergy. The business units work on technology and project development, provide strategic advice to customers and carry out availability, feasibility and scenario studies. BTG has proven to be leading as an innovative company in the bio-energy field. The unique combination of Consultancy and RTD is the base for highly innovative and commercially feasible activities. Since its establishment in 1979, BTG has completed over 1,400 assignments. Field experience was gained in more than 80 countries. The long-standing dedication to the promotion and implementation of bio-energy has resulted in the establishment of more than 15 subsidiaries and spin-off companies, as well as more than 60 bio-energy systems and factories. BTG offers a unique combination of services covering the entire spectrum of technical and organisational components of bioenergy project development. These include feasibility studies, technology research and development, system engineering and implementation, technical assistance and consulting, and business development and financing.
Contact: P.O. Box 835 7500 AV Enschede The Netherlands Visiting address: Josink Esweg 34 7545 PN Enschede The Netherlands
ifeu – Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung Heidelberg GmbH
Germany Since the 1970’s, the ifeu – Institute for Energy and Environmental Research Heidelberg works as an independent body for environmental research, covering areas like life cycle assessment, renewable energies and energy planning, environmental impact assessment and environmental management. IFEU is a limited liability company and a non-profit organisation. The regular clients of IFEU are local, regional and federal governments and authorities, the European Commission, national and international foundations and organisations as well as companies and industry associations. IFEU staff participate in national and international advisory panels, e. g. at the Ministry of Agriculture in the German state of Lower-Saxony, advise FAO and IEA and has a key position in the present discussion on biomass for food, feed, fuel, and fibres.
Contact: Nils Rettenmaier Tel. +49 6221 4767-24 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Web: www.ifeu.de

England ProForest is an independent company working with natural resource management and specialising in practical approaches to sustainability. Our work ranges from international policy development to the practical implementation of requirements on the ground, with a particular focus on turning policy into practice. At the same time, we are able to bring a wealth of current practical experience to policy development processes and debates. The ProForest team is international and multilingual and has a broad variety of backgrounds, ranging from industry to academia and NGOs. This allows us to work comfortably in many types of organisations, as well as in a range of cultures. We have in-house knowledge of more than 15 languages, including Mandarin, Hindi, French, Spanish and Portuguese. Our expertise covers a wide range of aspects in the natural resources sector, focussing on forestry and agricultural commodities and including policy development/implementation, conservation planning, supply chain management, field assessments, training and responsible investment.
Contact: Kate Bottriell - Senior Project Manager Dr Ruth Nussbaum - Director Tel: 01865 243439 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Web: www.proforest.net
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne – Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels
Switzerland The Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels (RSB) is an international multi-stakeholder initiative bringing together companies, NGOs, governments, and experts worldwide to develop a standard for sustainable biofuels production and processing. The primary use of this Standard, which includes social and environmental requirements for biofuel operators, is a certification system, to be run in collaboration with independent certification agencies. The Energy Center at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) provides a neutral host for the RSB, ensuring that the discussions of biofuels’ sustainability remain rooted in scientific understanding. EPFL is one of the two Ecoles polytechniques fédérales (Federal Technical Institutes) in Switzerland, offering complete study programs at the Bachelor's and Master's levels in engineering, basic sciences, computer and communication sciences, life sciences, civil engineering, architecture and the environment.
Contact: Sébastien Haye Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Web: www.rsb.org
Univerity of Campinas
Brazil Unicamp – was founded in 1966. Even within the Brazilian context (the oldest university is 70 years old) Unicamp can be considered a young institution, but has already conquered a strong tradition in education, in research and services to society. Unicamp has three campi – in Campinas, Piracicaba and Limeira – consisting of 22 centers of teaching and research. It also has a vast hospital complex, 23 interdisciplinary centers, two technical high schools, and a series of support units within a universe of about 50 thousand people. The University has approximately 17 thousand students in its undergraduate courses and 16 thousand matriculated in its 135 graduate programs; it is responsible for 12% of the master’s and doctoral theses in the country. Currently, all projects developed at Unicamp represent about 15 % of all research done in Brazilian universities.
Contact: Prof. Arnaldo Walter da Silva Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Web: http://www.unicamp.br/unicamp/en
INTA National Bioenergy Program
Argentina The National Bioenergy program of INTA Works through national & international projects and coordinates actions within INTA and with external actors at a national and international level Its aim is Secure the supply of sustainable bioenergy sources and services, taking care and supporting sustainable development, national energy security, poverty reduction, climate change attenuation & environmental equilibrium in all the national territory INTA is a public decentralized body subordinated to the Ministry of Agriculture & Livestock with operative and financial autarchy. Forty seven experiment stations, 260 extension units, and 15 research institutes, enable INTA to contribute substantially to production and land management change processes that Argentine agriculture needs to be able to compete in the world's new production and marketing scenario.
Contact: Agr.Eng. M.Sc. Jorge Antonio Hilbert Tel. 54 9 11 41434394 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Web: http://www.inta.gov.ar/info/bioenergia/bio.htm
CATIE – Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza
Costa Rica CATIE (Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center) is a regional center headquartered in Turrialba, Costa Rica. Its mission is to increase human well-being and reduce rural poverty through education, research and technical cooperation, promoting sustainable agriculture and natural resource management. Its innovative initiatives are geared to enhance the health of ecosystems, influence policy and build leadership. Faculty, graduate students and technical staff work through an interdisciplinary approach in climate change, agroecological production of food crops, tree crops in agroforestry systems (coffee, cacao, fruit trees), livestock and environmental management, production and conservation in forests, competitiveness and value chains, governance, socioeconomics, watershed management and biodiversity. CATIE has been involved in 100 research and development projects in 17 countries over the past two years.
Contact: Abigail Fallot Tel. +506 2558 2216 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Web: www.catie.ac.cr
Tanzania Traditional Energy Development Organisation (TaTEDO)
Tanzania TaTEDO is a centre for sustainable modern energy development initiatives based in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania with more than nineteen years experience in facilitating access to sustainable modern energy services. TaTEDO undertakes activities in 10 regions and in more than 120 villages in Tanzania. Its mission is to advance popular access to sustainable modern energy technologies in marginalized communities in Tanzania through energy technological adaptations, community mobilization and advocacy for increased access to sustainable energy services, poverty reduction, environmental conservation and self-reliance. The goals of TaTEDO are: (1) to improve quality of life of Tanzanians by contributing to availability of improved and sustainable modern energy services, employment and income generating opportunities, which are essential for poverty reduction, (2) to reduce environmental degradation resulting from increased use of wood and fossil fuels, (3) to contribute in reducing the country’s dependence on imported energy.
Contact: Estomih Sawe Telephone: +255-22-2700771, 2700438 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Website: www.tatedo.org

Mali-Folkecenter Nyetaa (MFC)
Mali MFC is a Malian NGO, created in 1999. MFC’s mission is to work with the Malian society towards the goal of sustainable de-velopment, comprising the environment as well as social and economic development. MFC promotes renewable energy and environmental protection for the improvement of living conditions in rural area. It is strongly involved in capacity building of local people, village leaders and municipality members in order to increase awareness about environmental protection and to increase access to modern energy services in their local development strategies. MFC develops appropriate financial mechanisms for ac-cess to modern clean energy services, environmen-tally friendly technologies, and drinking water sup-ply. In the field of biomass, MFC gained relevant expertise and experience through both project im-plementation on the ground and policy related work. Thereby, MFC has large expertise in all aspects of Jatropha cultivation and use. For instance, MFC initiated the the Garalo Bagani Yelen Project (Jat-ropha fuelled rural electrification for 10,000 people in the municipality of Garalo) to provide renewable electricity based on sustainable biofuel.
Contact: Ousmane Ouattara Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Tel: +223 20200617 Web: www.malifolkecenter.org
PT Greenlight Biofuels Indonesia
Indonesia Greenlight Biofuels is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Greenlight Energy Resources, a diversified renewable energy business with divisions in four targeted renewable energy sectors: biodiesel, wind, solar and wave. Greenlight Biofuels was formed in early 2007 following successful sale of wind power projects to BP in August 2006 for more than $100 million. Greenlight Biofuels is actively expanding its presence in both biodiesel production and in waste vegetable oil collection and processing. In 2009, PT Greenlight Biofuels Indonesia was established as a wholly owned subsidiary to develop biodiesel production using waste vegetable oil and and Jatropha curcas as feedstock. The principals of Greenlight have been successful participants in the renewable energy industry for more than a decade.
Contact: Agnes Safford Tel. +62 811 820 2150 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Web: www.glbiofuels.com